Crossing projects: Youth in the mirror
From January 16 to 20, the teams of Procédé Zèbre and Lelastiko, two professional partner companies of the WiM Laboratories Iuvenis II project, collaborated for a week in Brescia, Italy, with a group of young people from Brescia, the Bosnian company Studio Teatar, and elderly people with whom Lelastiko is used to collaborating. The latter are part of the project LA BALENA DELLA GROENLANDIA HA 211 ANNI of Lelastiko.
This work was done within the framework of the other project that Procédé Zèbre carries, Miroir d’eau – Water Mirror, a project of creation and artistic research in connection with multiple audiences, a project of research of new pedagogies of transmission, of research of form and of transversal, horizontal and egalitarian aesthetics.
This work is an obvious extension of Procédé Zèbre's action over the past thirty years and is linked to the Erasmus+ project that we defend.
Thus, the young people involved in this project may participate in the European Memories Buses that will be part of the Procédé Zèbre program in 2023 and 2024 and, above all, some (all? Maybe!) of these young people will participate in the great meeting of young people that we are building at Izieu, in April 2024 for the commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the Izieu deportation.
They are looking for water mirrors. We are building laboratories for this. In Brescia, in January, it rains. Even without it, Water is Memory.
Dove vanno gli uccelli quando vengono liberati ?
In the Forest of Tronçais
In Naples.
Isle of Patmos
New York
Arabia Saoudita
They go to the Canadian forests and to the Island of Patmos.