Du 13 au 17 février 2023, des jeunes bosniens ont réfléchi à une question simple : « To stay, or to go ? », Partir ou rester ?
For me, 5 beautiful days. I enjoyed every moment and I liked all the exercises we did. It was nice and fun and I’m looking forward to work with you again. You are great and thanks to all. See you soon.
Za mene, 5 predivnih dana. Uživala sam u svakom trenutku i svidjele su mi se sve vježbe koje smo radili. Bilo je lijepo i zabavno i radujem se ponovnom radu i druženju sa vama. Divni ste i hvala vam svima. Vidimo se uskoro.
I learned a lot of new things. How to express emotions, for example. I thought I wouldn’t like it, but I did. Every day was interesting. I would like to continue with this project and I hope I will use the things I have learned.
Naučila sam dosta novih stvari. Naprimjer, kako izrazoti emocije. Mislila sam da mi se sve ovo neće svdijeti ali jeste. Svaki dan je bio zanimljiv. Voljela bih da nastavimo sa ovim projektom i nadam se da ću uspjeti primijeniti stvari koje sam naučila.
– new, – curious, – interesting, – calming, – fun, – fluid, – connection, – timing, – awareness, – space, – territory, – push, – pull, – trust, – advice, – improvise, – sounds, – vocals, – home, – improvement, – experience, – limits, – concentration.
These past few days, I felt more connected with my body, knowing my limits and pushing them.
Day 1
Lots of new faces.
Some looked nice, some ferocious.
I couldn’t stay for long but
I was excited for the next day to come.
Day 2
This time, I was late.
I couldn’t hide my shame.
Yet, when we started to
Play, pretend, everything
Turned out okay.
Day 3
Now I know everyone.
Name, their voices aren’t the same
But when everyone started to
Sing, I think we made an
Amazing melody.
Day 4
Today we push and pull
Our hearts and moves, combined.
Dancing isn’t really my
Forte, still I happily learned
Faster than you can say “One L b’”.
Day 5
All we learned become
An act, one where we could
All enact, everything we learned
So far – thinking of it makes me laugh.
- Day – Funny day, everything was really good except one thing. I did not like ninja the same because I lost against Nusmir in Final round.
- Day – A lot of good exercise and a new knowledge. Zlatan is a master of art.
- Day – Some really good exercise but Christophe’s rhythm exercise was really hard for me. But I like Christophe, so it doesn’t really matter. One of the most famous songs in my country.
- Day – Hard! (For me) but the passion from Fred, Fra and Marina impress me. I really love it. I know I am a bad dancer but I was giving my best!
- Day – Proud !
I am really happy because I spent my time with young people. People who are ready to make changes, people who are ready to talk about problems. If we tell our story correctly to just one person, we will be able to say we did a good job. Let the journey continue.
These four days, while I was here, were my escape from reality. All the problems, worries, responsibilities, have gone away while hanging out and working with all different and special friends. I’m so glad that I’ve decided to join. Maybe today is just a fifth day of the workshop, but after a week or two, while I’m sitting in class or studying at home, etc… I’ll remember all exercises we did together. I like trust games, Zlaya’s relaxing imagination, the dance choreography, poem, song we sang together, true and the dancer., and them I will probably smile and use them sometimes later in life, while working, hanging out with other groups.
Today, I am also really emotional. We showed people that in short time we can have a great performance with such a deep message.
None of us knows where are we going to be in a few months, or years, but I am sure I will remember all of you and you will all have a special place in my memory. Love.
Une nation c’est incertain.
Je me demande à partir de quand elle disparaît et à partir de quand elle vaut la peine qu’on s’inquiète pour elle.
Est-ce que ce ne sont pas les gens qui priment ? et leur trajectoire ? Serait-elle individuelle ?
Nous sommes sortis de Bosnie, lentement.
Tout doucement. Ne nous attendaient que des carreaux de carrelage fatigués.
Comme une condamnation à les nettoyer.
Et si c’était ça qui attendait ceux qui fuient ? Ceux qui partent sans regarder le foyer de leurs pères ?
Du carrelage froid ?
Ou peut-être notre temps ?
Ou peut-être est-ce la course effrénée de ceux qui n’y croient plus ?
Et s’il fallait croire en quelque chose pour s’arrêter quelque part ?
Nous avons appris que
Toute question individuelle est aussi collective.
L’intime et le politique s’emmêlent toujours.
Je veux découvrir et voir et apprendre et
Danser dans toutes les langues.
Autant que je veux que ma terre reste mienne quand j’y reviens.
Pourtant les hommes ne sont-ils pas dangereux pour mes forêts bien aimées ?
Les hommes ne sont-ils pas dangereux pour les arbres ?
Ne devrions-nous pas partir ?
Ne devrions-nous pas, tous, partir, pour sauver
Ce qui a fait de nous ce que nous sommes ?
Ce qui nous fait tenir ne sera jamais
Autre chose que les histoires qu’on raconte aux enfants le soir.
Il faudra bien continuer à les écrire,
A les raconter et à les danser.
C’est pour ça que nous sommes revenus.
C’est pour ça que nous avons raison nous inquiéter.
Si tous partent,
Si tous les grands s’en vont,
Qui nourrira les rêves ?
A nation is uncertain.
I wonder when it disappears and when it is worth worrying about.
Isn’t it the people who come first? And their trajectory? Would it be individual?
We came out of Bosnia, slowly.
Very slowly. Only tired tiles were waiting for us.
Like a condemnation to clean them.
What if this is what awaits those who flee? Those who leave without looking at their fathers’ home?
Cold tiles?
Or maybe our time?
Or maybe it’s the frantic race of those who no longer believe?
What if you have to believe in something to stop somewhere?
We have learned that every individual question is also collective.
The intimate and the political are always intertwined.
I want to discover and see and learn and dance in all languages.
As much as I want my land to remain mine when I return to it.
Yet aren’t men dangerous to my beloved forests?
Aren’t men dangerous for the trees?
Shouldn’t we leave?
Shouldn’t we all leave, to save what has made us what we are?
What makes us what we are will never be anything more than the stories we tell our children at night.
We must continue to write them,
To tell them and to dance them.
That’s why we came back.
That’s why we have reason to worry.
If all leave,
If all the great ones leave,
Who will feed the dreams?
Crédit photo : Davide Bonnetti.